History of Siska Icun Sulastri Chat Before Killed at Kebagusan City

Rakyat Press. The police are still hunting down the perpetrators of the murder of Sisca Icun Sulastri (34) in the Kebagusan City apartment unit, South Jakarta. Sisca had a chance to reply to chat on Sunday (12/16), then there was no response.

The seller of herbal nutrition was found dead on Tuesday (12/18) afternoon, after the communication contact was 'interrupted'. The woman with the initials IR told the police that she had finally communicated via WhatsApp on Sunday (12/16), around 11:45 a.m. WIB.

The next day, at around 22.03 WIB, Monday (17/12), Sisca Icun Sulastri no longer responded to IR telephone calls.

The last communication on Sunday was also explained by the witness initials WS. This man had come to the apartment unit that was rented by Sisca, then lastly communicated chat WA at 3:35 p.m. WIB, Sunday (12/16). On Monday, Sisca Icun Lestari could not be reached.

Suspecting something strange, IR and WS went to Sisca Icun apartment unit in Tower A at around 2:30 a.m. WIB, Tuesday (18/12). But Sisca's room unit door was locked until it was finally opened and found Sisca dead.

Sisca Icun Sulastri was immediately taken to Fatmawati Hospital for an autopsy. From the results of the post mortem, wounds from sharp weapons were found.

"There are three (punctures), one in the pit of the heart, one arm, and one (puncture wound) on the hip," said South Jakarta Police Chief Commissioner Indra Jafar to reporters on Wednesday (19/12).


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