KONI Secretary General, Formerly Talking Spa at the Trial and Now Detained by the KPK

Suara Id. One of the five suspects who were snared through an arrest operation (OTT) on Tuesday, December 18, night was no stranger to the KPK. That person is Ending Fuad Hamidy, who currently serves as Secretary General of the Indonesian National Sports Committee (Secretary General of KONI).

He was detained by the KPK early this morning to undergo legal proceedings. Hamidy along with KONI General Treasurer Johnny E Awuy allegedly gave bribes to Deputy IV of the Ministry of Youth and Sports (Kemenpora) Mulyana and commitment maker (PPK) at Kemenpora Adhi Purnomo and Kemenpora staff Eko Triyanto.

The bribe given is allegedly a commitment money from the disbursement of Kemenpora grant funds to KONI. According to the KPK, the agreed bribe was 19.13 percent of the total grants valued at Rp. 17.9 billion or Rp. 3.4 billion.

Judging from the past few months, Hamidy has also dealt with the KPK. But at that time Hamidy's status as a witness underwent examination at the trial on January 8, 2018 at the Jakarta Corruption Court.

Hamidy, at that time, sat in the witness seat for the accused auditor at the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) named Ali Sadli, who was charged with accepting bribes related to unqualified opinion (WTP) at the Ministry of Village, Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration (Ministry of PDTT) . Hamidy's name was included in the KPK prosecutor's indictment at the time for allegedly having given USD 80 thousand to Ali.

The money of USD 80 thousand was confusing. Initially, the money was acknowledged by Hamidy to be borrowed by another BPK auditor named Abdul Latief for the marriage needs of his child. However, the judge at that time was confused because Hamidy had previously referred to the trial for Latief's needs in nominating the BPK leadership. Regarding the nomination, Latief, who was also presented at the hearing, denied this.

"There is a need for nomination with marriage. Speaking of two or just for marriage?" the judge asked at the time.

"It's just a marriage and just happens to be a fit and proper test," Hamidy answered.

In the same trial but different times, Hamidy was questioned by the prosecutor about his meeting with Ali to discuss the BPK's opinion on the Ministry of Youth and Sports related to KONI. Hamidy claimed that at that time there was a problem of overpayment at Kemenpora. The prosecutor was surprised that Hamidy, who came from KONI, instead took care of the issue of Kemenpora.

"There were findings from the BPK RI regarding the excess payment of athlete's honorariums during the transitional period of Rp. 900 million and PSSI and some related administration, so I took the initiative to coordinate with the BPK auditor," said BAP Hamidy, who was then read by the prosecutor.

Hamidy also claimed to have met another BPK auditor named Rochmadi Saptogiri, who was also at that time a defendant in the same case with Ali. The meeting was called happening at a spa place.

"Your statement in BAP number 38, have you ever met Rochmadi and Triantoro at Central Spa in different material?" KPK prosecutor asked Hamidy in a hearing at the Jakarta Corruption Court, Jalan Bungur Besar Raya, Central Jakarta, Monday (01/08/2018).

"Yes, at that time I was invited for a birthday. I was briefly because I did not hold cigarettes. I might be just an hour," said Hamidy.

"His birthday at the spa?" the prosecutor asked again.

"Yes," he answered.

Hamidy claimed to have arrived at the location at around 22:00 West Indonesia Time and an hour later returned home. When asked by the prosecutor where the spa was located, Hamidy even mentioned it was not a spa place.

"Which spa?" the prosecutor asked.

"Not at the spa. Like in live music, sir, not a spa," said Hamidy.

The prosecutor then read BAP Hamidy again. In the BAP, the prosecutor mentioned the location of the spa was Central Spa.

"This is your statement in BAP number 38. It is true that in April 2017 at night or at least the end of April 2017 I came specifically to the Central Spa on Jalan Sultan Iskandar Muda, South Jakarta, to meet Triantoro and Rochmadi. I wanted to go home, but was asked by Pak Triantoro who invited me to karaoke to Central Spa. I came to Central Spa at 22.00 WIB. I left Central Spa at 23.00 West Indonesia Time, "said the prosecutor reading BAP Hamidy.

After that, the prosecutor asked the purpose of the meeting at that location. But Hamidy claimed no interest whatsoever.

"There is no urgent need?" the prosecutor asked.

"Nothing," he said.

Regarding that, the KPK did not close its eyes. But for now the KPK is focusing on cases that ensnare Hamidy as a suspect.

"Later we will see if the person has a clearer case. We will learn first," Saut said on Wednesday (12/19) night. Saut's answer when asked by reporters about the facts of the trial that said Hamidy gave the money to the BPK auditor.


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