Substitution Night of 2019 KRL Operates until 02.00 in the morning

Pojok Fakta. PT Kereta Commuter Indonesia (PT KCI) prepares additional services on the turn of the night in 2018. At the turn of the night in 2018, KRL operation time will be added until 02.00 WIB.

"This time, PT KCI plans to operate 23 KRL trips to serve service users until 02.00 WIB on January 1, 2019. The departure distance between additional KRLs on the eve of the turn of the year is approximately 30 minutes," said PT KCI Widayanti President Director when he met press at the Doubletree Hotel. Jalan Pegangsaan Timur, Cikini, Central Jakarta, Thursday (12/20/2018).

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The addition of KRL trips at the turn of the night this year is more than the previous year. The additional KRL trips are enforced from 23:00 to 02:00 WIB.

"On the night of the turn of 2017 and 2018, PT KCI added 21 KRL trips, and on the changing night of 2019 added 23 KRL trips," explained Widayanti.

In addition to increasing KRL trips, PT KCI will double the service, cleanliness and security personnel. PT KCI also added three to five portable counters.

"As well as the addition of three to five potentially solid service ticket counters at a number of stations, including City Jakarta, Sawah Besar, Juanda, Gondangdia, Manggarai, Tanah Abang, Parungpanjang, Bogor, Duri, Jatinegara, Ancol, Rangkasbitung, and Bekasi," said Widayanti.

Following are the additional KRL travel schedules:

- Relation of Bogor / Depok-Jakarta Kota

1. 23.15 Bogor-Kampung Bandan
2. 23.45 Depok-Jakarta Kota
3. 23.50 Bogor-Jakarta Kota
4. 00.15 Bogor-Jakarta Kota
5. 01.05 Jakarta City-Bogor
6. 01.25 Bandan-Bogor Village
7. 01.40 Jakarta City-Bogor
8. 02.10 Jakarta City-Bogor
9. Bogor 02.55 Depok

- Cikarang / Bekasi-Jakarta Kota Relations

1 00.45 Bekasi-Jakarta Kota
2 01.00 Jakakaota-Cikarang
3 01.30 Jakarta Kota-Cikarang
4 02.00 Jakarta City-Bekasi
5 02.15 Cilurang-Jakarta Kota
6 02.30 Bekasi-Jakarta Kota
7 02.36 Cikarang-Bekasi

- Relations between Rangkasbitung / Maja / Parungpanjang-Tanah Abang

1 00.15 Parungpanjang-Tanah Abang
2 00.45 Parungpanjang-Tanah Abang
3 01:30 Tanah Abang-Maja
4 02.00 Tanah Abang-Rangkasbitung
5 03.10 Maja-Parungpanjang

- Tangerang-Duri relations

1 a.m. Tangerang-Duri
2 02.00 Duri-Tangerang


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